Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 3, Bard: 3, Sorcerer/Wizard: 3, Other: Cleric with Time domain 3 or Travel domain 5
School : Transmutation
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Short
Target/Area : Single
Duration : 6 seconds / level
Save : Harmless


A number of friendly targets equal to your caster level (centered on the initial target) gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC, a +1 bonus to attack rolls, and 1 extra attack per round (ranged or melee, but not spellcasting). Each target's speed is increased by 50% as well.

Gameplay Notes

Much to many player's surprise, this spell may be cast as a level 9 Persistent Spell. Cast in this manner, the entire party can have the benefit of a 24 hour Haste effect. On the NWN2 official forums this has been a matter of controversy as to if this is an intended effect or not. However, as of patch 1.13 this feature has not been changed. One theory is that this is leftover from NWN1, when haste affected only one creature and items that gave Haste effects for whole day were very common.
