A lighter version of full plate, Half Plate provides heavy plating to protect vital areas, while allowing less critical areas to remain uncovered to aid in movement.
- AC Bonus: 7
- Maximum dexterity bonus: 0
- Arcane spell failure: 40%
- Armor check penalty: -7
Crafting mold[]
The crafting mold for half-plate requires 3 metal ingots (or certain scaly hides, see below). Other than normal iron ingots, one can alternatively use:
- Mithral: DC 17, armor check penalty reduced to -4, arcane spell failure down to 30%, weight cut by half, +1 maximum dexterity bonus added, treated as medium armor
- Darksteel: DC 17, 5/- acid damage resistance
- Adamantine: DC 22, 3/- damage resistance
- Umber hulk hide: DC 24, +2 Armor Modifier, Immunity: mind-affecting spells
- Wyvern hide: DC 27, +2 armor bonus, +4 saving throws vs. poison, 20% weight reduction
- Red dragon hide: DC 30, +3 armor modifier, 20/- fire damage resistance, 20% weight reduction