"This creature looks like a very old female human. It has a sickly green complexion with dark, tangled hair that looks almost like a twisted vine."
Green hags are found in desolate swamps and dark forests and are able to weaken foes simply by touch.
- Monstrous humanoid 9
- Usually chaotic evil
- Abilities: STR 19, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 14
- Hit Points: 49
- Saves: Fortitude 6, Reflex 7, Will 7
- AC: 22
- AB: +13/+8
- Damage:
- 1d4+4 slashing/piercing, critical 20/x2, on hit: drains 1d8 points of strength, fortitude vs DC 13 negates (claw)
- 1d4+4 slashing/piercing, critical 20/x2, on hit: drains 1d8 points of strength, fortitude vs DC 13 negates (claw)
- Skills: Concentration 7, Hide 9, Listen 11, Spot 11
- Feats: Weapon Proficiency (creature), Darkvision, Great Fortitude, Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting
- Spell resistance 18
- Can cast Invisibility at caster level 9 at will