"This foul creature appears more or less humanoid, but has mottled, decaying flesh drawn tight across clearly visible bones. It is mostly hairless and has a carnivore's sharp teeth. Its eyes burn like hot coals in their sunken sockets."
These undead carrion eaters haunt the graveyards and battlefields that bore them, still bearing the rotting flesh they once wore in life.
- Undead 2
- Usually chaotic evil
- Abilities: STR 13, DEX 15, CON 10, INT 13, WIS 14, CHA 12
- Hit Points: 13
- Saves: Fortitide 0, Reflex 2, Will 5
- AC: 14
- AB: +2/-3
- Damage:
- 1d6+1 slashing, critical 20/x2, on hit: disease Ghoul Fever - fortitude vs DC 18, 1d6 strength and constitution damage, on hit: stun for 2 rounds, will vs 14 (bite)
- 1d3+1 slashing/piercing, critical 20/x2, on hit: stun for 2 rounds, will vs 14 (claw)
- 1d3+1 slashing/piercing, critical 20/x2, on hit: stun for 2 rounds, will vs 14 (claw)
- Skills ranks: Hide 4, Listen 3, Move Silently 4, Spot 5
- Feats: Weapon Proficiency (creature), Power Attack, Multiattack, Darkvision
- Immunity to disease, critical hits, death magic, level/ability drain, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, sneak attacks
- Turn resistance 2
- CR 1
- This creature can be summoned by Summon Undead, used by level 4 Pale Master (bug, should work like Create Undead)
- Prior to version 1.22 it could also be summoned by Create Undead at caster level 11 or below.