"This winged creature looks like a miniature devil, wreathed in flame and cackling with mischief."
Fire mephits hail from the Elemental Plane of Fire. These imp-like creatures are often summoned by conjurers along with other mephits.
- Outsider 3
- Usually true neutral
- Abilities: STR 10, DEX 13, CON 10, INT 6, WIS 11, CHA 15
- Hit Points: 13
- Saves: Fortitide 3, Reflex 4, Will 3
- AC: 16
- AB: +4
- Damage:
- 1d3 slashing/piercing, critical 20/x2, + 1d4 fire (claw)
- 1d3 slashing/piercing, critical 20/x2, + 1d4 fire (claw)
- Skills ranks: Hide 10, Listen 6, Move Silently 6, Diplomacy 2, Spot 6, Bluff 6
- Feats: Weapon Proficiency (creature), Dodge, Improved Initiative
- Damage reduction 5/+1
- Immunity to fire damage
- Damage vulnerability: Cold (50% damage weakness)
- Regeneration 2
- Can cast Burning Hands (caster level 6) once per day
- Can use Fire Cone (2d6 damage, DC 11)
- CR 4
Summoned fire mephit[]
A stronger fire mephit an be summoned by Lesser Planar Binding. This version has has following differences:
- Outsider 4
- Hit Points: 20 out of 16; spawns with current HP above maximum
- Saves: Fortitide 4, Reflex 5, Will 4
- AB: +5
- Fire Cone DC=12