Fire Genasi
The Fire Genasi subrace was not included in the original NWN2, but has been added in the Mask of the Betrayer expansion.
Fire genasi are hot-blooded and quick to anger, proud and unafraid to take action. They appear mostly human, with one or two traits reflecting their quasi-elemental nature, such as skin the color of burnt coal, red hair that waves like flames or eyes that glow when the Genasi is angry.
Ability adjustments[]
+2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Racial features[]
Level adjustment: +1. Genasi are slightly more powerful and gain levels more slowly than other races. It will take more experience for a genasi to reach level 2 than it would for normal races, for example.
Size: Medium
Favored class: Fighter. A multiclass genasi's fighter class does not count when determining whether she takes an XP penalty for multiclassing.
- Darkvision (60ft.)
- Resistance to fire 5
- Reach to the Blaze: Once per day, a fire genasi can call upon his elemental nature and radiate flames which damage all those within 5 feet, doing 2d4 points of fire damage per round (Reflex save for half damage). This effect lasts for 5 rounds.
DnD 3.5 Comparison[]
The following features have been excluded:
- Instead of elemental resistance, Fire genasi receive +1 racial bonus on saving throws against fire spells and effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every five class levels the genasi attains.
- Clerical Focus: Fire genasi clerics must choose a deity with access to the Fire domain and take that domain as one of their choices.
- Instead of "Reach to the Blaze", Fire genasi can cast Control Flame as a spell-like ability, causing nonmagical flame to flare or diminish at will for 5 minutes once per day.