Ig e fenmarl

Fenmarel Mestarine

Alias(es): The Lone Wolf
Power: Lesser deity
Pantheon: The Seldarine (Elf)
Symbol: Pair of elven eyes in the darkness
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Cleric alignment: CG, CN, CE
Portfolio: Feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats, isolation
Worshippers: Druids, outcasts, rangers, rogues, spies, wild elves
Canon NWN2 domains: Animal  Chaos  Plant  Travel  
Other canon domains: Elf
Favoured weapon (NWN2): Dagger - "Thornbite"


Fenmarel Mestarine (fehn-muh-rehl mess-tuh-reen) is eternally sullen and serious, a perfect counterbalance to fun-loving Erevan Ilesere. He has no interest in communicating with members of other pantheons or nonelves unless absolutely necessary, and when he does speak he is usually bitter and cynical. Although he tries to avoid commitments of any sort, the Lone Wolf always abides by his word, no matter how reluctantly it is given.

Fenmarel watches over the elven borders in disappearing woodlands, jungles, and similar environments, not unlike Corellon in more sizable homelands. Of all the elven races, Fenmarel takes a keen interest mainly in the wild elves, hidden deep within the thickest forests of Faerun.
