Area		Event				XP	Total	Items/influence

West Harbor	Trade with Galen		0	0	+1 Duskwood Bow
West Harbor	Skip the rest of the tutorial	3000	3000
Farlong House	Kill 1 Duergar*			18  1	3000	+1 Club
West Harbor	Speak with Georg		50	3050
West Harbor	Recruit 5 soldiers		250	3300
West Harbor	Defeat all attackers		150	3450
Weeping Willow	Speak with Zachan		50  1	3450	75 gold
Graveyard	Rescue Cmdr Tann		62	3512
Path to Ft Lock	Cmdr Tann survives		75	3587
Fort Locke	Speak w/Marshall Cormick	75	3662	200 gold
Highcliffe	Speak w/Elder Mayne		400	4062	Armor of Loyalty
Highcliffe	Speak w/Gera after kids	rescued	100 1	4062	Zachan's Amulet
Watch HQ	Speak w/Cormick	to arrest Caleb	100	4162
Docks District	Speak w/Cormick aftr Caleb dies	100	4262
Merchant Quartr	Speak w/CptBrelaina after sweep	300	4562 
Merchant Quartr	Speak w/CptBrelaina after alley	250	4812
Merchant Quartr	Speak w/CptBrelaina after Wareh	300	5112
Old Owl Well	Report to Callum after Logram	500	5612
Merchant Quartr	Speak w/CptBrelaina after Emmis	500	6112
Merchant Quartr	Leldon defeated (by city watch)	400 4	6112
Merhcant Quartr	Report Ahja death to Cpt Brelai	300	6412
Merchant Quartr	Speak w/CptBrelaina after Gith	300	6712
NeverW Archives	Speak w/Caretaker		250	6962
Shandra's Farm	Get Shandra to Sunken Flagon	500	7462
Sunken Flagon	Survive Githyanki raid		250	7712
Docks District	Speak w/wounded wolf		250 2	7712
Skymirror	Speak w/Naevan			400 2	7712
Highcliff	Speak w/Juni, then find William	75  1	7712
Highcliff	Speak w/Mozah about backpay	125 1	7712
Highcliff	Speak w/Juni w/out angering her	75  1	7712	200 gold
Fort Locke	Speak w/Cmdr Tann about bandits	100 1	7712	500 gold
Dwarven Scouts	Speak w/Khulmar after gauntlets	300 4	7712	Gaunt of Irnfst
Bonegnasher App	Guyven encounter #1		250 5	7962
Weeping Willow	Speak w/Zachan			 50 1	8012	50 gold
Weeping Willow	Speak w/Gera			150 1	8012	50 gold
Bonegnasher App	Troll Cave with Ore deposit #1	50  3	8062
Bonegnsher Cave	Orc cave with Ore deposit #2	50  3	8112
Eyegouger Cave	Ore deposits #3 and 4		100 3	8212
Ironfist Clanho	Ore deposit #5			50  6	8212
Gith base appro	Guyven encounter #2		250 5	8462    
Gith Base lvl 2	Snap Zeearie's neck		385 2	8462	+1 infl w/Bisho
Sunken Flagon	Bonus from rescuing Shandra	1500	9962	Sand&Shan @lvl 4!

1 These side quests are optional and can be skipped without consequence
2 These side quests are optional, but skipping them misses oppty to build influence
3 You don't have to collect these ore deposits until just before you leave ACT I
4 You can safely delay completing these quests until ACT II
5 Side quest is optional, but skipping it misses an item and honorific title later
6 You can delay collecting this ore deposit until ACT II