"A fierce and beautiful woman, with a statuesque build and flawless skin, stands nearby. She has large, feathery wings and red, glowing eyes."
The Erinyes are fallen angels. Unlike other devils, erinyes appear attractive to humans, resembling very comely women or men.....except of course for their huge feathery wings and sinister, glowing eyes. They are not to be confused with succubi.
- Outsider 9
- Always lawful evil
- Abilities: STR 21, DEX 21, CON 21, INT 14, WIS 18, CHA 20
- Hit Points: 85
- Saves: Fortitide 11, Reflex 11, Will 10
- AC: 23
- AB:
- Melee: +14/+9
- Ranged: +15/+10
- Damage:
- Melee: 1d8+7 slashing, critical 19-20/x2 (longsword)
- Ranged: 1d8+3 piercing + 1d6 fire, critical 20/x3 (composite longbow +1 with fire arrows)
- Skills ranks: Concentration 12, Hide 12, Listen 12, Diplomacy 2, Search 12,
- Feats: Weapon Proficiency (creature), Weapon Proficiency (simple), Weapon Proficiency (martial), Weapon Proficiency (exotic), Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
- Damage reduction 5/good
- Immunity to fire and poison
- Damage Resistance to acid and cold: 10/-
- Spell resistance 20
- True Seeing
- Can cast Charm Monster or Doom at caster level 12 once per day
- CR 8
- Erinyes shares the common Darkvision bug; it is given to her as an item property as opposed to a feat and this doesn't work.
- She has Weapon Proficiency (creature) despire having no natural weapon.
- Actual melee damage is 1d8+5 but erinyes automatically two-hands her sword, leading to increased strength modifier.
- Can be summoned by Greater Planar Binding.