
Epic spells are powerful abilities which may be learned by epic characters once certain requirements are fulfilled.


Epic spells in NWN2 are implemented as feats. To learn such a feat during level up, a character must:

  • be able to cast level 9 spells (the class which grants them the spells does not matter) or, for Warlocks only, be able to cast dark invocations2 (regardless of the effective spell level, or ESL, for that evocation). However, Hellfire Warlock levels do not count towards satisfying the requirement of the ability to cast dark invocations; the player character player must have either 16 or more actual Warlock levels or the ability to cast level 9 spells in another spellcasting class.
  • have a sufficient rank in Spellcraft which varies by epic spell (only ranks actually bought on level ups count, modifiers do not).

In addition, each epic spell may only be taken while leveling up in certain classes (for example, all but one epic spells are available when leveling up as a druid, but none are available when leveling up as a rogue).


Epic spells in NWN2 are actually spell-like abilities. They have the following characteristics (some of them contrary to in-game descriptions):

  • All epic spells bypass spell resistance entirely.
  • The DC of a saving throw against an epic spell is 10 (base) + 10 (effective spell level) + 5 (epic spell bonus) + spellcasting ability modifier, or 25 + spellcasting ability modifier (including Spellcasting Prodigy). The +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels beyond 20 does not apply do epic spells, and neither do any Spell Focus feats.
  • Epic spells are considered actual spells for the purposes of saving throws, so Spellcraft and similar bonuses apply.
  • Epic spells do not provoke attacks of opportunity, cannot be interrupted by damage, and are never affected by arcane spell failure despite having somatic components. However, they have verbal components and as such cannot be cast when silenced.
  • Metamagic may not be applied to epic spells.

In addition, certain epic spells bypass immunities which should actually apply. For example, Vampiric Feast is not blocked by Death Ward.

There is a serious oversight with casting stats mechanics - if an epic spell is learned on prestige class level, it will use this class default casting stat as opposed to one character actually use. Those are Intelligence for Pale Master, Arcane Trickster, Eldritch Knight, Red Wizard and Arcane Scholar, Wisdom for Warpriest, Sacred Fist, Stormlord and Doomguide and Charisma for Harper Agent and Hellfire Warlock. As result, epic spell DC for, say, Eldritch Knight sorcerer or Harper Agent druid can be significantly lower that expected.

List of epic spells[]

The six available Epic Spells are:

  1. Damnation1
  2. Entropic Husk
  3. Epic Gate
  4. Hellball
  5. Mass Fowl2
  6. Vampiric Feast


1 Unlike most other epic spells, this feat may only be selected with the level-up of these few qualifying classes: Cleric, Warlock, Warpriest, Sacred Fist or Harper Agent.

2 Mass Fowl is the only epic spell unavailable to Warlocks.
