- Type of feat
- General, Epic
- Prerequisite
- Character level 21, Toughness, Epic Toughness
- Required for
- None
- Specifics
You no longer automatically fail saving throws on a roll of 1. Of course, you will still fail the save if your result fails to equal or beat the DC.
- Use
- Automatic
Gameplay notes[]
As of v1.23 of the game, the effectiveness of this feat is very misleading. De facto, due to bugs the game's engine already doesn't fail the save even if you roll 1 on a will or reflex save but do beat the DC. Only fortitude saves fail on natural 1. In other words, this feat has pretty much the same effect as Steadfast Determination, preventing autofails on natural 1 fortitude saves. Steadfast Determination, however, is easier to obtain (requires 1 less tax feat).