
Encumbrance indicates the effect that the weight of gear that a character is carrying has on his movement rate. There are 3 levels of encumbrance:

  • None/Light- The character can run and walk at full speed.
  • Normal-The character cannot run, but can walk at full speed.
  • Heavy-The character cannot run, the character walks at 50% normal speed.

The amount of weight corresponding to threshold between levels of encumbrance is dependent on strength and specified in encumbrance.2da. The table is repeated here for completeness:

Strength Normal Heavy
1 6 10
2 13 20
3 20 30
4 26 40
5 33 50
6 40 60
7 46 70
8 53 80
9 60 90
10 66 100
11 76 115
12 86 130
13 100 150
14 116 175
15 133 200
16 153 230
17 173 260
18 200 300
19 233 350
20 266 400
21 306 460
22 346 520
23 400 600
24 466 700
25 533 800
Strength Normal Heavy
26 613 920
27 693 1040
28 800 1200
29 933 1400
30 1064 1600
31 1224 1840
32 1384 2080
33 1600 2400
34 1864 2800
35 2132 3200
36 2452 3680
37 2772 4160
38 3200 4800
39 3732 5600
40 4256 6400
41 4896 7360
42 5536 8320
43 6400 9600
44 7456 11200
45 8528 12800
46 9808 14720
47 11088 16640
48 12800 19200
49 14928 22400
50 17024 25600

PnP Comparison[]

Encumbrance has more severe repercussions in PnP, it restricts a character like armor: including restricting the Maximum dexterity bonus a character can add to Armor Class and introducing an Armor check penalty to skills. Encumbrance is also size dependent, smaller creatures can carry less weight than a large creature of the same strength before becoming encumbered. None of this was incorporated in NWN2.
