"This sinister-looking humanoid has pale skin, haunting red eyes, and a feral cast to her features."
These are elites among vampires, skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
- Undead 9
- Chaotic evil
- Abilities: STR 23, DEX 17, CON 10, INT 12, WIS 16, CHA 12
- Hitpoints: 63 out of 54
- Saves: Fortitude 6, Reflex 8, Will 6
- AC: 15
- AB: +10
- Damage:
- 1d2+6 piercing, critical 20/x2, on hit: drains 1 point of constitution; fortitude save against DC 13 negates (bite)
- 1d6+7 bludgeoning, critical 20/x2, on hit: drains 2 levels; fortitude save negates (slam +1)
- Skills: Hide 7, Listen 12, Move Silently 7, Search 8, Spot 12, Bluff 8
- Feats: Alertness, Darkvision, Weapon Proficiency (creature), Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack
- Damage reduction 10/+1 and alchemical silver
- Damage resistance cold and electrical (10/-)
- Immunity to disease, critical hits, death magic, level/ability drain, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, sneak attack
- Regeneration 5
- Turn resistance 4
- Casts SLA Dominate Person at caster level 5 once per day
- CR 11
- Elite vampire spawns with her HP above the maximum
- Can be summoned by Summon Greater Undead SLA used by level 10 Pale Master (bug - should be s stronger vampire)
- Prior to version 1.22 this creature was summoned by Create Greater Undead spell at caster level 20+