Is elementalswarm
Elemental Swarm
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 9, Druid: 9
School : Conjuration
Descriptor(s) : Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Medium
Target/Area : Point
Duration : 60 seconds / level
Save : None


You summon a 24 HD air elemental to act as a loyal servant until it dies or until the spell expires. If the air elemental dies before the spell ends, a 24 HD water elemental is automatically summoned to replace it. This process continues with an earth and fire elemental until the spell expires. After the fire elemental, no more are summoned.


This spell does not in fact summon 24 HD elementals, but 20 HD greater elementals (this is intended by developers and not a bug). This was propably intended to balance the spell out against the level 9 Summon Creature IX spell, which summons a slightly stronger 20 HD elder elemental and would otherwise be strictly inferior to this spell, except difference in power level between greater and elder elementals is rather small. Elemental Swarm also has much longer duration and, well, summon multiple elementals one after another instead of just one, so Summon Creature IX is pretty pointless for a character with access to both. A Druid may potentiall find a use for Summon Creature IX through Spontaneous casting but any Spirit Shaman should avoid this spell.

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