"The creature blossoms out of the bark of the ancient tree, at first appearing as a new branch before solidifying into a decidedly female shape. She has a wild, unfathomable look in her large, almond-shaped eyes, and her hair has a pronounced, leafy texture, while her skin looks like burnished wood."
Dryads are tree spirits. Because of their bonding to their particular tree, they can't roam too far from it or they'll wither and die. A dryad’s delicate features are much like a female elf’s, though her flesh is like bark or fine wood, and her hair is like a canopy of leaves that changes color with the seasons.
Shy, intelligent, and resolute, dryads are as elusive as they are alluring—they avoid physical combat and are rarely seen unless they wish to be. If threatened, or in need of an ally, a dryad uses charm person or suggestion, attempting to gain control of the attacker(s) who could help the most against the rest. Any attack on her tree, however, provokes the dryad into a frenzied defense.
- Fey 4
- Usually chaotic good
- Str 10, Dex 19, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 18
- Hit Points: 14
- Saves: Fortitide 3, Reflex 8, Will 6
- AC 17 (base 10 + Dex modifier + 3 natural armor)
- AB: +6
- Damage:
- Melee: 1d4 piercing, critical 19-20/x2 (dagger)
- Ranged: 1d8 piericng, critical 20/x3 (longbow)
- Skills: Listen 7, Spot 7
- Feats: Weapon Proficiency (creature), Weapon Proficiency (simple), Weapon Proficiency (martial), Great Fortitude, Weapon Finesse
- Damage reduction 5/cold iron
- Tree Dependent: Dryads are all bound to an oak tree, and if strayed more than 300 yards they will get sick and die within hours.
- Can cast SLAs Barkskin, Charm Person, Entangle, and Sleep at caster level 4 once a day
- CR 3
- Despite being a fey, dryad lack Low-Light Vision