Type of feat
Druid, Epic
Character 21, Wisdom 29, Wild Shape 8x/day
Required for
Dragon Companion

The character may use wild shape to change into a dragon.

Selected (must choose which type of dragon)

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Wild shape 8/day requires 26 levels of druid
  • Dragon forms have no duration and will last until either rest or manual canceling.
  • All dragon shapes change caster's racial type to dragon and provide True Seeing and immunity to mind-affecting effects, paralysis and sneak attacks.
  • Specific stats can be seen below:
Shape Strength Dexterity Constitution Size Penalty Bonus AC Total AC Bonus Hit Points Weapon1 Weapon2 Weapon3 Other traits
Red Dragon 33 10 23 -2 24 28 150 2d8+1 piercing (bite +1) 2d6+1 piercing-slashing (claw +1) 2d6+1 piercing-slashing (claw +1) Spell resistance 20, immunity to fire damage, vulnerability to cold (50%)
Blue Dragon 29 10 21 -2 23 28 150 2d8+1 piercing (bite +1) 2d6+1 piercing-slashing (claw +1) 2d6+1 piercing-slashing (claw +1) Spell resistance 22, immunity to electricity
Black Dragon 27 10 21 -2 21 28 150 2d8+1 piercing (bite +1) 2d6+1 piercing-slashing (claw +1) 2d6+1 piercing-slashing (claw +1) Spell resistance 18, immunity to acid
  • Shapeshifted druid does not receive any dragon breath attacks as NWN2 UI won't allot to use them anyway. He also receives no damage reduction.
  • Red dragon shape also gives Weapon Proficiency (creature) even through it is already provided by shapeshiifting in general.

Bug Notes[]

  • For some reason total AC of all three dragon shapes is lower than it should be - 28 instead of 32/31/29.
  • If the wizard's spell Enlarge Person or the cleric's Righteous Might is cast on the druid BEFORE he transforms into a dragon, the result is a dragon form that looks 10 times larger than its supposed to look.
  • If Reduce Animal is cast on bear form, that shape cancelled and then dragon shape taken on by the druid it will crash the game or cause the dragon to walk on the underside of the walkmesh in an area.
  • Deep Gnomes that transform into Red Dragons retain their racial SR of 41 rather than the dragon shapes SR of 22.