"A disembodied skull floats in the air, with gems in its eye sockets and its teeth. A powerful aura of evil emanates from the creature."
The magics preserving the lich's body against the ravages of time weaken, usually causing the body to gradually deteriorate until only a skull or even a single skeletal hand remains; this advanced form of lich is known as a demilich. Despite its ruined body, a demilich is far from powerless; if disturbed, the skull will levitate and suck the souls from nearby living creatures.
- Wizard 21
- Neutral evil
- Abilities: STR 10, DEX 14, CON 10, INT 29, WIS 24, CHA 20
- Hitpoints: 139
- Saves: Fortitude 7, Reflex 9, Will 19
- AC: 52
- AB: +32/+27
- Damage: 1d3 bludgeoning, critical 20/x2, counts as weapon +1, on hit: Demilich Touch (demilich slam)
- Demilich Touch deals 10d6+20 negative energy damage and inflict paralysis for 5 rounds (fortitude against DC 36 negates)
- Skills: Concentration 15, Hide 12, Listen 10, Lore 14, Move Silently 13, Search 12, Spellcraft 16, Spot 10
- Feats: Weapon Proficiency (creature), Combat Casting, Toughness, Still Spell, Automatic Still Spell (0 - 9), Quicken Spell, Automatic Quicken Spell (0 - 3), Blinding Speed, Maximize Spell, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Spell Penetration, Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Scribe Scroll, Improved Initiative
- Damage reduction 15/+1 and bludgeoning
- Damage resistance fire, acid, and sonic 20/-
- Immunity to disease, critical hits, death magic, level/ability drain, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, sneak attack, cold damage, electrical damage, spells level 9 or lower
- Turn Resistance 20
- Aura of Fear 1/day at caster level 11: duration 21 rounds, DC = 31
- Harm Self 1/day at caster level 15: heals for 150 hp
- Prepared spells: Flare, Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, Daze, Magic Missile x3, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Protection from Arrows, Mirror Image, Melf's Acid Arrow, Web, Gedlee's Electric Loop, Lightning Bolt, Fireball, Vampiric Touch, Dispel Magic, Haste, Enervation, Greater Invisibility, Ice Storm, Bestow Curse, Confusion, Fear, Vitriolic Sphere, Cacophonic Burst, Cone of Cold, Dismissal, Cloudkill, Feeblemind, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm, Greater Stoneskin, Greater Dispel Magic, Disintegrate, Chain Lightning, Delayed Blast Fireball, Avasculate, Finger of Death, Prismatic Spray, Mass Blindness/Deafness, Polar Ray, Power Word Stun, Horrid Wilting, Wail of the Banshee, Energy Drain, Meteor Swarm, Mordenkainen's Disjunction
- CR 29
- Unlike Hold spells, Demilich Touch allows only one save
- Demilich is equipped with Bracers of Armor +8 and Ring of Protection +2 (included in the statblock above) despite having no hands. That said, in tabletop rules a demilich may use any bonuses from items kept near it's phylactery; perhaps NWN2 demiliches practice it too behind the screen?