
"Two pinpoints of orange light glow within the eye sockets of this creature's blackened skull. Charred, battered armor covers what remains of its decayed body."

Martial champions of evil, Death knights are mighty warriors animated as an undead creature by the gods of death, evil deities, demon lords, or other malevolent forces.

A death knight's physical form is that of its decayed body. The face is a blackened skull with patches of rotting flesh, with two pinpoints of orange light in the eye sockets. The voice of a death knight is chilling, seeming to echo from deep within. Death knights were powerful people in life and so they often wear expensive or magic clothing and armor. They are quite fond of wearing flowing capes to mark them as figures of importance.



  • Despite being undead, Death knight lacks Darkvision
  • Damage is actually 1d10+13 but Death knight automatically uses his bastard sword as two-handed, increasing his STR modifier from +6 to +9. Getting a shield will thus lower his damage, obviously