Is deathward
Death Ward
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 4, Cleric: 4, Druid: 5, Paladin: 4
School : Necromancy
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Touch
Target/Area : Single
Duration : 1 Hour * cLevel
20 Rounds (cLevel)
Save : Harmless
Spell resistance : No


The target creature becomes immune to any energy drain, negative energy or death spells, spell-like abilities, and effects.

Gameplay notes[]

The in-game description of this spell does not detail its full functionality. It will make the creature targeted immune to:

  • Negative damage (100% immunity)
  • Most Death effects (the epic spell Damnation being a known exception)
  • Ability decrease effects
  • Negative level effects

This description might be more appropriate: - The target creature becomes immune to negative energy damage, energy drain, ability-decreasing effects, and death effects.


  • The EffectDamageImmunityIncrease function hard-coded into the engine is bugged and if a creature has more than 100% immunity to a specific damage type, it actually turns into a vulnerability. For this reason, if you cast Shadow Shield AND Death Ward on the same creature, 100% immunity to negative damage actually turns into a 50% vulnerability to negative damage. It is possible to fix this through scripting by checking if the target is already immune to negative damage before applying the spell effects, if the target is immune, do not apply the EffectDamageImmunityIncrease effect. The following spells scripts require fixing: Death Ward, Mass Death Ward, Negative Energy Protection (cut), and Shadow Shield:

1) Death Ward /Mass Death Ward (NW_S0_DeaWard, NX_s0_massdeaward):

Remove the effects applied by previous castings of (Mass) Death Ward and Negative Energy Protection, check if target is already affected by Shadow Shield, if yes, only apply the other effects, if no, then apply all effects incl. Negative Energy Immunity effect.

2) Negative Energy Protection (NW_S0_NegProt):

Remove the effects applied by previous castings of Negative Energy Protection. Check if target is already affected by Death Ward or Mass Death Ward, if yes, do nothing. Check if target is already affected by Shadow Shield, if yes, only apply the other effects, if no, then apply all effects incl. Negative Energy Immunity effect.

3) Shadow Shield (NW_S0_ShadShld):

Remove the effects applied by previous castings of Shadow Shield. Check if target is already affected by Death Ward, Mass Death Ward or Negative Energy Protection, if yes, only apply the other effects, if no, then apply all effects incl. Negative Energy Immunity effect.

...changing EffectDamageImmunity to EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_NEGATIVE, 9999, 0);

See also[]
