Type of feat
Bard 1, Perform 3
Required for

Bards are able to sing a song that can curse their enemies. Deafened creatures are not affected by the bard's singing. The song affects all enemies within 30 feet and lasts for 10 rounds (15 rounds with Lingering Song). The higher the bard's final Perform skill and class level, the more powerful the Curse song. The penalties listed below are not additive. There are no penalties beyond those listed below, ignore the incorrect in-game description.


Caster Level does not incorporate any bonus from Practiced Spellcaster

Perform >= 100 && CasterLevel* >= 30

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 48
       AC Decrease = 7
       Skill Decrease = 18

Perform >= 95 && CasterLevel >= 29

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 46
       AC Decrease = 6
       Skill Decrease = 17

Perform >= 90 && CasterLevel >= 28

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 44
       AC Decrease = 6
       Skill Decrease = 16

Perform >= 85 && CasterLevel >= 27

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 42
       AC Decrease = 6
       Skill Decrease = 15

Perform >= 80 && CasterLevel >= 26

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 40
       AC Decrease = 6
       Skill Decrease = 14

Perform >= 75 && CasterLevel >= 25

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 38
       AC Decrease = 6
       Skill Decrease = 13

Perform >= 70 && CasterLevel >= 24

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 36
       AC Decrease = 5
       Skill Decrease = 12

Perform >= 65 && CasterLevel >= 23

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 34
       AC Decrease = 5
       Skill Decrease = 11

Perform >= 60 && CasterLevel >= 22

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 32
       AC Decrease = 5
       Skill Decrease = 10

Perform >= 55 && CasterLevel >= 21

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 30
       AC Decrease = 5
       Skill Decrease = 9

Perform >= 50 && CasterLevel >= 20

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 28
       AC Decrease = 5
       Skill Decrease = 8

Perform >= 45 && CasterLevel >= 19

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 26
       AC Decrease = 5
       Skill Decrease = 7

Perform >= 40 && CasterLevel >= 18

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 24
       AC Decrease = 5
       Skill Decrease = 6

Perform >= 35 && CasterLevel >= 17

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 22
       AC Decrease = 5
       Skill Decrease = 5

Perform >= 30 && CasterLevel >= 16

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 3
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 20
       AC Decrease = 5
       Skill Decrease = 4

Perform >= 24 && CasterLevel >= 15

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 2
       Fortitude Decrease = 2
       Reflex Decrease = 2
       Sonic Damage = 16
       AC Decrease = 4
       Skill Decrease = 3

Perform >= 21 && CasterLevel >= 14

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 3
       Will Decrease = 1
       Fortitude Decrease = 1
       Reflex Decrease = 1
       Sonic Damage = 16
       AC Decrease = 3
       Skill Decrease = 2

Perform >= 18 && CasterLevel >= 12

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 2
       Will Decrease = 1
       Fortitude Decrease = 1
       Reflex Decrease = 1
       Sonic Damage = 8
       AC Decrease = 2
       Skill Decrease = 2

Perform >= 15 && CasterLevel >= 8

       Attack Decrease = 2
       Damage Decrease = 2
       Will Decrease = 1
       Fortitude Decrease = 1
       Reflex Decrease = 1
       Sonic Damage = 8
       AC Decrease = 0
       Skill Decrease = 1

Perform >= 12 && CasterLevel >= 6

       Attack Decrease = 1
       Damage Decrease = 2
       Will Decrease = 1
       Fortitude Decrease = 1
       Reflex Decrease = 1
       Sonic Damage = 0
       AC Decrease = 0
       Skill Decrease = 1

Perform >= 9 && CasterLevel >= 3

       Attack Decrease = 1
       Damage Decrease = 2
       Will Decrease = 1
       Fortitude Decrease = 1
       Reflex Decrease = 0
       Sonic Damage = 0
       AC Decrease = 0
       Skill Decrease = 0

Perform >= 6 && CasterLevel >= 2

       Attack Decrease = 1
       Damage Decrease = 1
       Will Decrease = 1
       Fortitude Decrease = 0
       Reflex Decrease = 0
       Sonic Damage = 0
       AC Decrease = 0
       Skill Decrease = 0

Perform >= 3 && CasterLevel >= 1

       Attack Decrease = 1
       Damage Decrease = 1
       Will Decrease = 0
       Fortitude Decrease = 0
       Reflex Decrease = 0
       Sonic Damage = 0
       AC Decrease = 0
       Skill Decrease = 0

Use: Selected.


  • With Kaedrin's PrC pack Curse song and other effects are treated as inspirations and use number of bard songs per day instead of Caster Level.
  • Damage decrease is defined as DAMAGE_TYPE_SLASHING. Other types of damage such as Bludgeoning or Piercing will not be decreased.
  • Skill decrease does not decrease base skill ranks; i.e. saving throw bonuses granted from Spellcraft are not reduced. However, the skill decrease will reduce Concentration (making it more difficult for spellcasters to maintain concentration) and Tumble (making Attacks of Opportunity more likely).
  • As it is not a real "Curse", resting or Restoration will remove the effects.
  • Immunity to sonic damage negates the sonic damage applied by this feat, but will not negate any other penalties.
  • Silenced creatures can be affected by this feat.
  • The penalty to armor class is applied as a negative dodge bonus; even foes with no dodge bonus will be affected. Note, however, that feint will remove this effect (if used after curse song is applied).
  • Curse Song does not dispel invisibility, as it is improperly classified as a non-hostile action. To remedy, signal the event in the X2_S2_CurseSong script:

Modding Notes[]

Due to the nature of the penalty to armor class, if you catch an opponent flatfooted the curse song won't really be affecting the armor class. There is, however, a parameter with EffectACDecrease() which can be added to change the effect to lower deflection, armor enhancement, natural enhancement or shield. 

At line 352:

eAC = EffectACDecrease(nAC, AC_DODGE_BONUS);

You could replace with:
