Crossbow, light
Type: Crossbow, light Weight: 4 pound(s)
Dmg Type: Piercing Size: Small
Critical: 19-20/x2 Damage: 1d8
Feats: Simple, Monk, Rogue or Wizard
Found: ???


The crossbow resembles a bow laid crosswise on a wood or metal shaft, and is favored for its versatility. The light crossbow variant is durable and reasonably easy to conceal, but lacks some of the punch of its larger cousin.

The crossbow is made from 2 wooden planks. Other usable wooden materials can used for the following effects:

Note: Crossbow damage is not modified by its wielder's strength, so characters even with less than 10 strength will not incur a damage penalty.

Although the crossbow size is small, both small and medium creatures must keep their off hand free to reload it. Crossbows can only fire one bolt per round (unless you possess the feats Rapid Reload, and Rapid Shot then it fires a maximum of three bolts per round) regardless of the character's Base Attack Bonus.
