
Character Level Progression Table[]

ECL +1
ECL +2
ECL +3
Class skill
max ranks
Cross-class skill
max ranks
Feats Ability
1 0 0 0 0 4 2 1st
2 1,000 3,000 6,000 10,000 5 2
3 3,000 6,000 10,000 15,000 6 3 2nd
4 6,000 10,000 15,000 21,000 7 3 1st
5 10,000 15,000 21,000 28,000 8 4
6 15,000 21,000 28,000 36,000 9 4 3rd
7 21,000 28,000 36,000 45,000 10 5
8 28,000 36,000 45,000 55,000 11 5 2nd
9 36,000 45,000 55,000 66,000 12 6 4th
10 45,000 55,000 66,000 78,000 13 6
11 55,000 66,000 78,000 91,000 14 7
12 66,000 78,000 91,000 105,000 15 7 5th 3rd
13 78,000 91,000 105,000 120,000 16 8
14 91,000 105,000 120,000 136,000 17 8
15 105,000 120,000 136,000 153,000 18 9 6th
16 120,000 136,000 153,000 171,000 19 9 4th
17 136,000 153,000 171,000 190,000 20 10
18 153,000 171,000 190,000 210,000 21 10 7th
19 171,000 190,000 210,000 231,000 22 11
20 190,000 210,000 231,000 253,000* 23 11 5th

For example, consider a Human Cleric, an Aasimar Paladin, a Drow Wizard, and a Deep gnome Rogue. When the Human Cleric reaches 5th level, the Aasimar Paladin will be 4th level, the Drow Wizard will be 3rd level, and the Deep gnome Rogue will just be obtaining level 2, each with exactly 10,000 experience points.

* This is the maximum possible experience points that a character may have in NWN2 without the Mask of the Betrayer expansion. Even non-ECL (effective character level) characters may obtain this amount of experience points. However, the level cap of 20 still remains in place.

Computation for the Table :

  • Class Skill Max Ranks CAP = CharacterLevel + 3.
  • Cross-Class Skill Max Ranks CAP = ([CharacterLevel / 2] Rounded up) + 1
  • Feat gain for levels 1-20 = (CharacterLevel / 3) + 1
  • Feat gain for levels 20-30 = ((CharacterLevel - 20) / 2) Rounded Up
  • Ability point gain = CharacterLevel / 4
  • Required Experience = CharacterLevel * (CharacterLevel – 1) * 500
  • Each level requires an added CharacterLevel * 1000

Epic Character Level Progression Table[]

ECL +1
ECL +2
ECL +3
Class skill
max ranks
Cross-class skill
max ranks
Feats Ability
21 210,000 231,000 253,000 276,000 24 12 8th
22 231,000 253,000 276,000 300,000 25 12
23 253,000 276,000 300,000 325,000 26 13 9th
24 276,000 300,000 325,000 351,000 27 13 6th
25 300,000 325,000 351,000 378,000 28 14 10th
26 325,000 351,000 378,000 406,000 29 14
27 351,000 378,000 406,000 435,000 30 15 11th
28 378,000 406,000 435,000 465,000 31 15 7th
29 406,000 435,000 465,000 496,000 32 16 12th
30 435,000 465,000 496,000 528,000** 33 16

** This is the maximum possible experience points that a character may have in NWN2 with the Mask of the Betrayer expansion installed. Even non-ECL characters may obtain this amount of experience points. However, the level cap of 30 still remains in place.

Epic Levels[]

Characters in Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer can reach a maximum character level of 30. Levels 21 through 30 are considered epic levels and unlock access to more powerful feats and other benefits. While prestige class maximum levels are the same as in NWN2 (3, 5 or 10, depending upon the class), characters can advance up to level 30 in any base class. If a character has multiple classes, it is their total level that determines whether they are an epic character. See the individual base class description pages for a description of the specific benefits for reaching levels 21 through 30 in each of the base classes.

The following benefits apply to all epic level characters, regardless of class level:

  • New feats are gained every other level instead of every third level (levels 21, 23, 25, 27, 29). These feats are in addition to the bonus feats mentioned in the base class descriptions for specific classes.
  • Ability score improvements continue every 4 levels (levels 24, 28).
  • Base Attack Bonus and Base Saves continue as normal.
  • Epic level characters continue to gain additional attacks per round with every 5 BAB, unlike in D&D where the base number of attacks is capped at 4.
  • Any spellcaster gains +1 DC to all of their spells every third epic level (23, 26, 29).

Notes on Experience Point Gain[]

XP distance

Illustration of the distance to the party which defines if it's the average level of the party is taken into account, or only the level of the active fighter

  • While Obsidian has stated that NPCs, summons, familiars, and animal companions do not affect earned Experience Points, this is not entirely true. Summons, familiars, and animal companions are not counted in the calculation for earned Experience. However, the party's average character level (not ECL) is used to determine earned Experience for an encounter. This has a profound impact on high ECL races as they will cause the party to earn accelerated experience points during play because they bring the party average level down.
    • Example 1: A Human Wizard of 7th level is adventuring with Khelgar Ironfist (only) and encounters a Bladeling. The Bladeling has a Challenge Rating (CR) of 1. The party's average level is 7. This happens because NPCs have the same XPs as the PC, thus making Khelghar (a Dwarf Fighter) also level 7. The earned experience for this encounter is 17 points for every character in the party regardless of their condition upon earning the points (i.e., dead or alive).
    • Example 2: If the same Wizard above had Neeshka instead of Khelgar Ironfist, she'd be a level 6 Rogue (because she's a Tiefling and thus has an ECL of +1). The average party level is thus 6.5 which is rounded down to 6. This results in 19 points of experience for every character in the party for the encounter.
  • Temporary NPCs such as the 2nd level Fighter in the Neverwinter crypts during the Temple of Tyr quest highly impact the party's average level. Thus, it's advantageous to have such party members in the group to obtain more experience points during combat.
  • Technically, it's not the party's average character level that impacts the experience gain, it's the average levels of party members who are relatively close to the place of fighting (more or less shooting distance). E.g., if you're soloing an encounter with your main character while the rest of your party is far away on the othe side of the map, then it's only the main character's level that matters. If your main character is a strong, heavily buffed but low-level character with ELC+2/3, you will gain way more experience if you leave all the other party members in the corner of the map and fight solo. On the contrary, in MoTB if your imported main character is a level 20+ hero while the rest of your companions are underleveled (since most of them start at level 17), you will gain way less experience if you fight alone, even if technically your party is full.
  • Using a companion to solo encounters for you (while your main character is drinking tea far away from the fight) will not give you any experience at all. Only the main character can get experience for "solo" fighting.

See also[]

NWN1 Differences[]

  • NWN did not implement PnP's half ranks for cross-class skills. NWN2 continues this trend and thus they are omitted from the table above. They would normally occur at every even level (2, 4, 6, 8, ... 20).
  • NWN permitted the player to "carry over" all unused skill points from one level up to the next. Thus, it was possible to hoard skill points from the beginning of the game until you obtained a single rank of Rogue at level 20 and then be able to dump all of those skill points into Tumble in one fell swoop.
  • NWN2 permits you to "carry over" a maximum of 5 skill points at level up. If you do not spend points to lower the remaining skill points to 5 or less, the "next" button does not activate to permit you to finish leveling up.
  • NWN2 properly permits full-access to any skill once it's been obtained by any of the character's classes. While cross-class skill points must still be paid for non-class skills during level-up, the character may consider the skill a class skill for the purpose of determining the maximum number of skill points permitted to be purchased in the skill. The Able learner feat reduces the skill point cost to 1 making it a very valuable feat.