
A character Background History is a type of (optional) feat that can only be selected during character creation at first level. Only one background may be chosen. A more detailed version of these backgrounds can be found here.

A character background (not to be confused with a Background Trait) is ONLY available at the eighth (8th) stage of Character creation. Players may opt to skip selection of a background history.

Feat Description
Appraiser Character gains a +2 bonus on Appraise and +1 on Lore checks, a -1 on Spot and -2 on Bluff and Sleight of hand checks
Bully Character gains a +1 bonus on Fortitude saving throws, +1 Intimidate -1 Bluff and -2 to Diplomacy skill checks
Confidant Character gains a +1 bonus on Bluff and -1 on Intimidate and Taunt checks
Devout Character gains a +2 bonus on Will saves, +1 Concentration -1 Diplomacy and -1 to Bluff checks
Farmer Character gains a +2 bonus to Survival and Spot checks, -2 Lore checks
Flirt/Ladies' Man Character gains a +1 bonus to Listen and Diplomacy, but -2 to Intimidate checks
Foreigner Character gains a +1 bonus on Lore and -1 on Diplomacy checks
Militia Character gains a +2 bonus on Parry and +1 on Craft Armor and Craft Weapon checks and a -2 to Will saves
Natural Leader Plus 1 bonus to companion's Attack rolls, -1 to PC saving throws
Savvy Character gains a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks and -1 to Will saves
Tale Teller Character gains a +1 bonus on Lore and Bluff and -2 Concentration checks
Talent Character gains a +1 bonus on Perform checks and -1 to Will saves
Troublemaker Character gains a +1 bonus to Reflex saves, +1 on Set trap and Sleight of Hand checks and -2 Will saves
Veteran Character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves and a -1 on Diplomacy checks
Wild Child Character gains a +1 bonus on Survival, Tumble, Hide and Move Silently checks, -2 on Lore and Appraise checks
Wizard's Apprentice Character gains a +1 bonus on Spellcraft, Lore, and Craft Alchemy checks, -1 Spot and -1 to Fortitude saving throws

3.5 Rules Comparison[]

  • Character Background are the NWN2 equivalent of Regional feats in DnD 3.5 which are available according to the region in which the character had been raised.

All items (11)
