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Forgotten Realms Wiki has an article about: The Blood War

The Blood War is an eternal conflict between the fiends of the Lower Planes, between tanar'ri and baatezu. The tanar'ri are the demonic forces of the Abyss, an evil plane of chaos, who battle using massive, unorganized swarms.. Representing the equally evil but lawful realm of Baator are the baatezu, the dominant caste of devilkin, who utilize organized military tactics and discipline.

The Blood War has raged on since the Age Before Ages, a dark time when the Prime Material Plane had not fully developed. The conflict is massive, spanning entire planes of reality, and hosting an almost infinite number of fiends. It is in a perpetual stalemate, as both forces are unable to overcome each other. This balance is largely maintained by the yugoloths, who are manipulating them from the sidelines. Other parties, even celestials, have helped keep the balance intact, fearing the threat that would emerge if the war ended and the fiends united.

Most of the conflict rages in the Grey Wastes, however skirmishes can occur anytime the two groups meet, even on the material plane. Sometimes both parties are deliberately summoned to observe or exploit the phenomena.
