Type of feat
Required for

This feat grants the character the ability to fight well if blinded or against invisible creatures. The character gets to re-roll its miss chance percentile one time to see if it actually hits.

A fighter may select blind fight as one of his fighter bonus feats. Clerics with the Darkness domain receive this feat for free at first level. Red Dragon Disciple receives this feat for free at 5 class levels. Yuan-ti receive blind fight by default as a racial feat.



  • Blind Fight does not change a target's concealment, but instead gives a second roll on a miss due to concealment. The probability of missing a target is effectively squared (reducing 50% to 25% and 10% to 1%). This calculation is valid on a per attack basis - see Talk:Concealment.
  • In the unmodified game, this is the only ability that has a permanent effect against all kinds of concealment. The spells True Strike, True Seeing and Blind Sight have no effect in this regard (unlike PnP). Some abilities ignore or remove concealment, but with limitations - see Concealment
  • To clarify this feat's specifics shown above, a defender using this feat will deny attackers the +2 attack bonus they may otherwise enjoy under either (or both) of the following circumstances:
    1. The attacker is invisible (as under the effect of an Invisibility spell)
    2. the defender is blinded.
  • The denial of +2 AB shown above only affects melee attacks; ranged attacks and attacks from Ethereal Jaunt or stealth do not receive the +2 AB bonus regardless.
  • For the purposes of dealing with invisible attackers this feat works well with Uncanny Dodge.
  • This feat does not remove the 50% miss chance from being blinded.
  • This feat is passively granted just by having Ilrah's Rib in a character's inventory. However, this item is only available in the Original Campaign and does not follow the PC to other campaigns.

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