Refers to a monster type. According to the Monster Manual 3.0 this catagory includes: ankheg, bulette, dinosaur, girallon, gray render, griffon, hippogriff, hydra, owlbear, purple worm, roc, sea lion and stirge. Bolded entries are those identified to be found in the NWN2 RPG.
A beast has the following features:
- d10 Hit Dice
- Base Attack Bonus: medium.
- Good Fortitude and Reflex saves.
A beast possesses the following traits:
- Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (no creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher can be an animal).
- Low-light vision.
- Alignment: Always neutral.
- Proficient with its natural weapons only.
- Proficient with no armor.
- This creature type was used in D&D 3.0 and does not exist in D&D 3,5 yet NWN2 still use it.
- Outside of hit points and class skills (irrelevant) beast racial HD identical to animal.
Varieties of beasts in NWN2[]
- Deinonychus
- Dire badger
- Dire bear
- Dire boar
- Dire rat
- Dire wolf
- Dire wolverine
- Megaraptor
- Snow leopard
- Wolf
- Wolverine
Unusual cases:[]
- Black bear, Boar and Brown bear use "beast" racial HD but have "animal" race.