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Ig hu azuth


Alias(es): The High One, Patron of Mages, Lord of Spells
Power: Lesser deity
Pantheon: Faerûnian pantheon
Symbol: Human left hand pointing upward outlined in blue fire.
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Cleric alignment: LE, LN, LG
Portfolio: Wizards, mages, spellcasters in general, monks (Shining Hand).
Worshippers: Philosophers, sages, sorcerers, wizards
Canon NWN2 domains: Knowledge  Law  Magic  
Other canon domains: Illusion and Spell
Favoured weapon (NWN2): Quarterstaff


Azuth symbol

Symbol of Azuth

Azuth (Ah-zooth) concerns himself with the advancement and preservation of the magical arts. Worshipped by all manner of spellcasters (and wizards in particular), the crafty deity has long acted as an adviser to the sitting deity of raw magic; he and Mystra share an amicable relationship akin to that of a tutor and his favoured student.
