Is animatedead
Animate Dead
Animate dead effect1
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 3, Cleric: 3, Sorcerer/Wizard: 4, Other: Cleric with Undeath domain 2
School : Necromancy
Descriptor(s) : Evil
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Short
Target/Area : Point
Duration : 1 Hour * cLevel
20 Rounds (cLevel)
Save : None
Spell resistance : No


The caster creates an undead minion, either a skeleton or a zombie. The type of undead which appears is random and beyond the caster's control.

Gameplay Notes[]

These notes are based on the summons being useful

This spell is mainly useful for those who have Conjuration spells as a prohibited school when using a Wizard. Having this spell also means the creature you summon has a vast array of resistances (mind spells, and death effects being two of the main ones).

Summoned undead is about as strong as beasts of summon creature spells of the same levels but with much better duration.

Clerics of Undeath are at luck here - this spell is much better than summon creature II; at the time it's first available the undead can be stronger than PCs themselves!

Like the summon creature spells, it is subject to Banishment, even though in D&D this isn't a summoning-based spell - instead it raised up real corpses. You are also limited to a single summoned monster from any one source, be it a Summon Creature I spell or Animate Dead.

The undead, of course, are subject to normal turning rules.

Bug Notes[]

Line 47: This spell doesn't use the NWN2 ApplyMetamagicDurationMods() and ApplyMetamagicDurationTypeMods() functions.


Animate dead casting1

Animate dead spell in the casting phase.

Animate dead effect1

Animate dead spell in the impact phase.

External resources[]
