Angharradh | |
Alias(es): | Queen of Arvandor, The Triune Goddess |
Power: | Greater deity |
Pantheon: | The Seldarine (Elf) |
Symbol: | Three overlapping circles within a triangle |
Alignment: | Chaotic good |
Cleric alignment: | CG, CN, NG |
Portfolio: | Birth, defense, fertility, planting, spring, wisdom |
Worshippers: | Community elders, druids, elves, farmers, fighters, midwives, mothers |
Canon NWN2 domains: | Chaos Good Knowledge Plant Protection |
Other canon domains: | Elf, Renewal |
Favoured weapon (NWN2): | Spear - "Duskshaft" |
Allies: | The Seldarine, Berronar Truesilver, Chauntea, Cyrrollalee, Eilistraee, Lurue, Mielikki, Milil, Mystra, Selune, Sharindlar, Sheela Peryroyl, Silvanus, Sune, Yondalla |
Enemies: | The Dark Seldarine, Talos, Auril, Malar, Umberlee |
Angharradh, also referred to as the Queen of Arvandor, is both the personification of three separate elven goddesses, Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow, as well as a single goddess who extends beyond these three separate aspects. As such, her nature reflects traits of each of these deities. Due to the nature of her creation, Angharradh exhibits a fierce protectiveness and strong resolve. Despite her vigilance, the reversal of the Elven Retreat and the return of drow to Cormanthor have weakened Angharradh's spirit while causing the three goddesses to spend more time apart.
In Storm of Zehir, Soraevora Aeravand follows Angharradh. Her goddess dispatches her to the Sword Coast on a mission to investigate the rise of Zehir.