Is AcidFog
Acid Fog
Acid fog effect1
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 6, Sorcerer/Wizard: 6, Other: Cleric with Destruction domain 6
School : Conjuration
Descriptor(s) : Acid
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Long
Target/Area : Large
Duration : 1 round / 2 cLevels
Save : Fortitude partial
Spell resistance : Yes


Acid Fog creates a thick, clinging, greenish cloud. Creatures entering the cloud take 4d6 points of acid damage. Creatures entering the cloud must make a Acid-based Fortitude save or have their movement reduced by 50%. Every round a creature spends in the cloud, it suffers 2d6 points of acid damage.

Bug Notes[]

Edit Nov 8, 2010: Removed several wrong bug comments.

  • When a target affected by Movement Speed Decrease exits the Acid Fog area, the effect applied by Acid Fog is supposed to be removed. However, while checking for effects on the target applied by Acid Fog, the script is kicked out of the loop as soon as it finds the first effect applied by Acid Fog. This means, any further effects are left unchecked. If a spellcaster casts several Acid Fogs on the same target and the target always fails its saving throw, the Movement speed decrease effect is applied by each Acid Fog, but when the target leaves the area, only the first effect is removed, which means the movement speed decrease applied by second, third etc. Acid Fog cloud is still there and since the effect is permanent, the target is slowed permanently, which is not supposed to happen. The script must be allowed to loop through all effects on the target without interruption.
  • In terms of spell resistance checks, this AoE spell suffers from exactly the same bug as any other AoE spell (Cloudkill, Mind Fog etc.): Spell Penetration feats are ignored and caster level is not calculated properly for purposes of spell resistance penetration, so, for example a sorcerer 10/ Arcane scholar of Candledeep 10 caster with greater spell penetration feat seems to have an effective caster level of 10 (prestige class levels are ignored and greater spell penetration feat as well). This happens, because SR checks are not done directly between caster<->target, but filtered through the AoE. This hard-coded bug can be bypassed through scripting by moving the entire spell code to a separate function and performing the SR checks directly between the area creator and the target:

AssignCommand(GetAreaOfEffectCreator(),Resist(oTarget) );

  • This doesn't make use of the much better ApplyMetamagicVariableMods() function for doing metamagic effects in the heartbeat or enter scripts.

Gameplay Notes[]

In case the description isn't clear: The Fort Save only negates the slow movement, and it is only rolled when they enter the fog. Remaining in the fog after that does not trigger additional Fort saves. Also, creatures still take 4d6 damage on entering and 2d6 each round they remain, regardless of the Fort save.

Spell resistance acts as normal but, of course, due to its high level it eats up spell mantles (You are tested for its effects when you enter it and every round too).

The main reason for the Slow effect is to hamper movement out of the area, thus meaning the enemy takes more damage. This is a good spell to make an area inaccessible and control the battlefield with, or simply to force your enemy to fight inside it.

As with most area of effect spells, if the caster is killed this spell should stop.

In the Mask of the Betrayer, acid fog can be used to create powerful acid enchantment to weapons. However if the player cannot cast this spell, crafting options will be limited, since Safiya is a Transmuter and cannot learn Conjuration spells (or even use scroll of those) and Kaelyn does not have Destruction domain. In this case, the only way for player to get this enhancement on a weapon is to use the scroll of Acid Fog.** From there the PC must either:

  • Craft it themselves: this requires at least 3rd caster level to get Craft Wondrous Item feat, overall character level 24-30, being sorcerer or wizard (who can cast conjuration spells) or being any other spell casting class that can learn Craft Wondrous Item feat and acquire at least 23 in Use Magic Device skill in order to be able to use the scroll, - OR -
  • Have Kaelyn, Gann or One of Many (in its warlock form) to learn Craft Wondrous Item feat, acquire at least 23 in Use Magic Device skill and then use the scroll (greater charisma, skill focus feats and magic items increasing charisma like Eyes of the Coven helps a lot to boost up this skill).

** In MotB, there are only two scrolls of Acid Fog, both of which can be obtained early on. One is located in the Shadow Theater in the room with the shadow portal, lying on one of the shelves. The second can be found in the upper level of the Death God's Vault, in the same room where the ghostly scribes are located, lying on the ground. Since there are no items that allow the casting of this spell (absent native casting of this spell by the PC), only two weapons with this more powerful version of acid damage can be crafted.

Original Rules comparison[]

  • Spell resistance doesn't apply (like with most Conjuration spells)
  • No saving throw whatsoever.
  • Additional to hampered movement, the spell also causes hampered sight.
  • No initial 4d6 damage.
  • Lasts twice as long (1 round / level).


Acid fog casting1

Acid fog spell in the casting phase.

Acid fog proj1

Acid fog spell in the projectile phase.

Acid fog effect1

Acid fog spell in the impact phase.

External resources[]
